Local Information
RR Wood’s Educational Bequest Trust
The Trust has a limited amount of money to assist certain persons in undergoing full-time education

Those eligible to apply
- Sole applicants must be over 16 years of age (applicants who are under 18 should make sure their forms are counter-signed by their parent/guardian).
- Applicants should be attending or have been offered a place on a Higher or Further Educational Course. This includes attendance at University or College, School Students aged over 16, Apprenticeships and Applicants on Training and Vocational Courses leading to a recognised qualification.
- Applicants should be resident in, or have been born in Thornton, Fife or born to parents resident in Thornton at the time of the Applicant’s birth as that settlement is described as the Thornton Settlement Envelope, Mid Fife Local Plan 2012.
Criteria for Awards
The number and value of the awards made are entirely at the discretion of the Trustees subject to a maximum sum to one person in any one year of £2,000
Applicants should please note the following:
- All awards made under this scheme are for full-time educational purposes only.
- The Trust reserves the right to obtain, from the educational establishment attended or Education Provider, proof of the applicant’s satisfactory attendance and progress.
An application form may be requested in writing (including e-mail) from:-
Messrs McKenzies
26 East Fergus Place
e-mail: enquiries@mckenzies.legal
Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RR-Wood-Educational-Trust-109490158499130